Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What's fer dinner, Grampaw?

Do you remember that skit on Hee Haw? 

 "What's fer dinner, Grampaw?" 

 "We got possum innerds, collard greens and fatback!"

Cracked me up when I was a little kid....

Yep, I'm feeling the mom's daily refrain......

"Crap, it's 2pm; gotta figure out what to make for dinner..." 

There are weeks when I make a meal plan for the following week...

This is not one of those weeks... 

It is, however, a clean-out-the-freezer/pantry kind of week.  Use up the food!  Don't spend money! 

Can we do it?  Yes we can!  (in the words of Bob the Builder....You moms with kids under the age of 4 know just what I'm talkin' about....) 

So, here it is.... 

Sweet & Savory Chicken,

Steamed Green Beans with a mustard vinagrette,

Fruit Cocktail

 and Crescent Rolls. 

Not fancy, but quick, kid friendly and CHEAP!  I might even go crazy and whip up instant pudding with chocolate chips, parfait style,

but don't hold me to it. 

Depends on time of day, how many times Jack pinches Kate and she screams and whether my headache gives up its grip. 

My vote is for puddin'.....

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