Sunday, September 12, 2010

Block Party 2010

Well, Melrose Street pulled it off again; a successful block party. 

Now we aren't organized or sophisticated enough to have a catered event with bands, potato sack races or even pinatas.  Block parties are somewhat of a religion in Chicago, but Melrose hasn't really ever figured out how to seriously put on a throw down. 

But I will say, that we still have a great time. 

Thank goodness for T$ and his geekiness, as he contributes a lot with music, lights and a huge movie screen. 

Our neighbors brought in the savior of all kid activities; a jumpy house...

Some brought a lot of great food, a grill and even some fingernail polishing for the girlies. 

A neighbor friend and I painted faces and everyone made cakes for the annual cake walk. 

Kids were headlong all day, zipping up and down the street in their newfound street freedom.  So nice to have no cars and wide, smooth pavement to run, bike and play on!

Scooters and bikes zig zagged back and forth. There was even a little dancing. 

I do not believe a single kid had one unsugary thing all day.  For sure, my kids ate nothing but cupcakes and Gatorade, even though there was a terrific spread laid out. 

Kate hit the wall about 7:30, with aching legs and a sweaty face....

Jack about 8:30 with a headache and so dirty the tub had a ring. 

A good long day....Now fall begins in earnest.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great cakes, ferocious faces, fantastic music and terrific company! kristen
