Monday, September 13, 2010

Say Cheese...PLEASE!!!

It's annual family photo by the lake time.... a month late. 

And today, in my frazzled state these days, I was convinced this was the day our dear friend, Lindsey, was to take our family photo. 

It wasn't (supposed to be tomorrow), but heck, we were dressed in our usual whites, standing at the lake on a beautiful evening. 

Tom even pulled himself from work for this photo session, so we had to make it work, as Tim Gunn says. 

We got strangers to help shoot the shots. 

Kate, in her growing maturity, cooperates a little more each year.  She is a sucker for bribery..

For comparison, here are some past photos of the kiddies. 

By the time we have finished, and all promises for treats to get that perfect smile have been exhausted, we leave tired and hungry. 

It's a little painful to get the kids to pose, but to see their sweet smiles over the years is worth it....

Now, where is that glass of wine....?

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