Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Do you make and keep your New Year's resolutions?  

Do you truly write them down and then, 
of all things, carry them out?  

Do you have the satisfaction 
of scratching those lofty goals off with a Sharpie, 
your personal self actualization to do list?  

I do not... 

Last year I wrote about anti resolutions 
and most of those 
were easily accomplished...  

When one is in survival mode, 
improving one's self 
is low on the totem pole...  

So, instead of making up a silly list of things 
I would like to accomplish that

A: will probably not happen and 

B: would bore you to death,

 instead are some wishes 

I have for the year ahead...

1. The economy:  Unless the United States government falls off the fiscal cliff, I hope the economy starts to grow faster.  I am looking into getting back into the commercial real estate business and right now it is still in the dumps.

2. World Peace:  Like many Miss America contestants, I too, yearn for world peace and children with their own shoes, however, let there be an increased demand for armored passenger vehicles.  There is always a need for security much like there will always be teeth for dentists to fix...  Okay, weird analogy, but you get what I am saying...

3. Downfall of the Diva:  I am totally sick of the Kardashians, Mariah Carey, Honey Boo Boo and Rihanna.  Any girl who was publicly beaten by a no good punk and then goes back into his arms is not only stupid but the worst role model around.  Not to mention her song lyrics.  Call me an old bat, but what happened to classy entertainers?  Why do the current divas look and act like call girls?  It's shameful... I hope they fall out of favor and some real ladies become cool....If they exist...

4.  More Patience:  Good things come to those who wait....  We started HEAT Armor four years ago and we have been working so hard to reach our goals...  It has taken miles longer than expected and I need to be more patient and cautiously optimistic...  Whew, it's tough sometimes...

5. #26Actsofkindness to live on:  I hope folks will keep doing random acts of kindness to honor not only the victims from Newtown, but to honor all people.  May it keep rolling the whole year through...Bravo, @anncurry...

6. Pinterest Moderation:  Oh, how I love you, Pinterest, but you suck away too much time.  I hope I will visit you only when I have an urgent need to make my own QTips or to find a recipe for Snickers Oreo Fudge Gooey Bars....

7. More Lolla, Less Gangnam Style....Eh....Sexy Lady.... yeah, not so much...  I hope we can afford to go to Lollapalooza this year....  The DJ tent rocks!

8.  Friending Friends:  Time to spend more time, drinking wine with friends...  Life gets too busy and the important stuff gets passed by...  Hey GFs....Let's make a point to get together more!

9.  Make Picnics, Not War!  I will try to get the kids out to the Millennium Park concerts on the lawn more often.  They are free and so wonderful.  Hey, a Ravinia night or two wouldn't hurt, either...

10.  Most of all, I hope that despite the crap life can sling at us, we will keep our loved ones close, that we will appreciate them, even when they annoy the hell out of us and that we will remember to laugh at how stupid life is sometimes.  If we can't take a joke, then we got nuthin...

Here's to a great 2013... 

 May it exceed your expectations, 
surprise the snot out of you 
and may you rise to the challenges ahead...  

Go kick ass, 
take names and 
laugh at the ridiculousness 
of it all...



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