Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back in Action

Holy pencil sharpeners, Batman! 

School is back in session! 

Well, sort of... 

There is a major battle between the teachers' union 
and our mayor that is about to explode 
faster than an egg in the microwave...

Rumor has it that the kids will get 
a week of school in before the strike begins... 

Then, supposedly our mayor will swoop in, 
end the strike and save the day...


I think I can speak for my parent friends 
when I say that if we have to entertain our kids 
again after a long summer, 
we might go insane.... 

A good friend of mine used to have a mom's mimosa party 
on the first day of school after drop off...

What a great way to celebrate parental freedom...

If the strike occurs, I might plan the same party 
for when the strike ends 
and the kids are safely tucked behind desks again...

The house is so quiet... 

It's a beautiful thing... 

I can think without being interrupted by,
 "MOM....Jack just kicked me!" 
or, "Mama, I'm hungry!" or,
 "MOM!  What are we going to do after we get groceries?  
If I am good, will you buy me a toy??" 


 It's peaceful... 

The house looks like a family of orangutans live here, 
but it's my silent disaster...

 I can reflect on the summer 
and what went down... 

Here are the highlights:

1.  Farming is fun...  Especially if booze is involved.

2.  Camp is fun...  
Unless your youngest hates the nature hikes 
at her NATURE camp...
 "It's too buggy, and scratchy and hot.  
And Andrew keeps throwing rocks at me..."

3. Baseball is fun...  
For the kids... 
While we haul bat bags, portable chairs, 
coolers and blankets to watch the kids play in the coldest, 
wettest and hottest conditions known to man, 
they hone their skills on the field.  
Thank God I met some fun moms who drink wine in Solo cups 
and who have a sense of humor...

4. Paris is fun...  
Especially without the kids...  
Cafe Creme, Rose', croissants, you get the picture.  
Total awesomeness...

5.  Pools are fun...  
Unless you arrive at precisely the time 
the local swim meet commences 
and then you are banned from the fun pool 
for the rest of the day...

6. Visiting the grandparents is just plain fun...  
Who can complain about pool/beach frolicking, 
daily Oreo smoothies, playing golf and tennis 
and making Florida friends?

7. Being a "Junior Naturalist" is fun 
when you get to feed turtles, hold snakes (ewwww) 
and make toys for the resident parrot...

8. Disney is fun...  
Other than pickpocketing you out of a fortune 
while you eat high caloric, low flavor foods, 
walking for miles in every "Land" possible, 
meeting princesses and large chipmunks, 
riding roller coasters while Mom is praying for a quick end 
and Dad suffering through "It's a Small World"....
Disney made us a lot of precious memories...

9. Coming home feels good.... 
Oh, to sleep in your own bed, 
get back into a routine 
and plan for the season, 
just feels warm and cozy...

I am ready for autumn to arrive...

I am not ready to have the kids back home, 
with no school in session... 

We have had enough togetherness 
to last us until Christmas Break... 

Maybe I should put them to work on my to do list at home, 
painting the front porch, 
organizing the toys 
or cleaning the silver.... 

They will run screaming to school, 
begging for class.... 

Hmmmm, that's an idea....
maybe I'll share that with all the moms at school 
and create a student led protest at the doors of school... 

The picture in my head of kids pleading 
to go to school is out of a far side cartoon... 

Kind of like the kids running from the liver and onions truck....

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