Saturday, July 30, 2011


It's about the money....  

The boy wants to make some bank, like his sister does...  

It's tough for kids to make money, 
what with those darned child labor laws and all...  

No more paper routes and few lawns to mow...  

When I was a kid, I picked buckets of black raspberries from our ravine, 
braving heat, terrain, mosquitos and daddy long legs...  

The corner grocery would pay me $2.00 
per pint for those juicy berries...  

Hard work, but cashola in the pocket... 

Jack has no idea how much Kate makes 
when she has a gig,
(it's not really that much),
but he wants in on the game... 

So, we had a little photo session the other day at North Avenue Beach 
to get a head shot or two 
to submit to the local agencies...  

Who knows if Surfer Boy will be of interest, 
but I sure think he is cute... 

Last week he got into some serious trouble with Mom and Dad 
and had to forfeit camp to mop, sweep and tote garbage 
for a whole day at HEAT Armor...

Lesson was learned, 
but maybe he would work at the factory 
for a little money now and then... 

And there is a good sized lawn to mow there...  

A little work is good for the eight year old soul... 

Cash buys Legos, after all....

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