Thursday, October 6, 2011

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy...

Band or Choir...  

Once you hit fourth grade at our school, 
you gotta pick one or the other...  

You have to appreciate a school that encourages the arts, 
however, the challenge lies in kids 
with no natural musical talent...  

The Benson/Herlihy DNA took a pass on the music gene, 
heading straight for enginerding, visual arts 
and technological geekery....  

I was cool with that, 
until Jack proudly brought home his trumpet today... 

I pulled up Wynton Marsalis, 
The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy 
and even some little kid playing the trumpet 
on some TV talent show on You Tube...

Hoping to inspire Jack to trumpeting brilliance...  

At the onset, he is excited to practice....

We will see how long that lasts...  

Oh, the dulcet tones of a beginner...  

He sounded like a dying whale or elk or some large herbivore... 

Kate started crying... 

If she were a dog, she would have howled...  

I have to keep reminding myself, 
at least he didn't choose the drums 
or, God forbid, the tuba...  

He may stink, 
but he is fun to watch and it cracks me up...  

Hopefully Kate will choose choir...
and stand in the back... 

Music, it just ain't our thang....

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