Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make Way for the New....

Eight million, four hundred thousand and sixty two..... 

The number of Legos in my house... 

You think I'm kidding...

I've counted them!  

Twenty four hundred Polly Pockets outfits and related microscopic shoes.  

Old Polly's shoe collection dwarfs Miss Imelda's...  

Enough GI Joes to populate a small mercenary force in Afghanistan..... 

Barbies that rival Heff's entourage....

Matchbox cars to fill a lot at Carmax...

And enough broken parts and missing pieces to fill the bathtub...

If I glued all the broken parts together in a massive sculpture, 
I might have a pop art piece worthy of MOMA.  

The toys my kids have! 

Does your family room resemble toy armageddon?    

Mind did...until today.  

We have this annual rule:  Kids must part with some toys and donate them 
to make way for what bounty Santa may bestow.  

Usually I stack the deck and lay out about a dozen toys in good condition for them to choose from, 
but today I was short on time.  

Fortunately, my awesome in laws took the kids ice skating for a few hours 
and I dug in for some good toy culling.  

We have three garbage bags full of goodies for St.Vincent de Paul and two large bags of broken stuff.  

The kids' rooms are so clean and organized I was sure Hazel's spirit took me over.  

Ahhhh, the feeling!  

Okay, so I know it will last only until they get home, but I love it.  

Bring it on Santy Claws.....We got room for your stash!

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