Thursday, December 9, 2010

Everything is Great, but No One's Happy.....


So, I am happy that construction has resumed underneath my house... 

Tire tracks from trucks and cement trucks have created ruts in my front yard that rival Burma Road, 

but it's okay.....there is progress.  

Really, I am glad that the way I know the guys are working under my house is the aroma 
of stale cigarette smoke wafting through the vents.  

But it's hard to be amused when I come home with the kids after school to find fumes and 
exhaust in my living room so noxious they would kill an elephant.  

I don't know what piece of equipment they are using down there, but I have windows open, bathroom and stove vents on high to keep us from getting high, or worse!  

Stop complaining, you say...

your foundation is nearing completion.  

You are right, I sigh....

Then there's my phone... 

Perhaps it has been dropped once or twice....

Okay a lot....

Most functions no longer function, but the phone part actually works..

That is until today when the service was disconnected. 

He, who shall remain nameless FORGOT to pay the bill, so I was a lonely island today.  

The bill was paid this morning, but I still had no service all day.  

It will most likely work tomorrow, but jeez....I want instant service!  

My feelings can best be describe by this hilarious clip from Conan's old show on NBC.......

I'm feeling a little sheepish....

I'll stop pouting now as soon as that glass of white crosses my lips....  

Ahh....much better!

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