Monday, August 2, 2010

The Real Birthday...

Today is Jack's real birthday, August 2nd.  

Our birthday tradition is breakfast in bed.  

Of course, he woke early and scared me as I was leaving the shower.  Before I would serve the boy, he had to shower himself, having skirted his cleanly duty the night before.  I declare, Jack's feet were blacker than a coal miner's face and he smelled like a rat's patootie to boot!  

So, in he went into the shower and I prepared french toast, scrambled eggs, decaf coffee and a fresh cut zinnia for his tray of happy.  

And boy, was he happy.  

What kid doesn't love a little personal attention?  

Kate was handling it pretty well at this point.  Downstairs Jack opened his presents and he happily received a RipStik skateboard, Cubs jammie pants, a book or two, Flick Trix mini model bikes, Deck Tech mini model skateboards, Spin Art (awesome classic toy) and his fave, a safe.  He is all about having his own safe.  Let's take bets on how long before he forgets the combination...... 

Then his dad told him a trip to Six Flags was in order and Kate lost it.  Poor little one is just too small for those crazy rides.  Oh the tears flowed!  Poor little thing... 

After camp and playing outdoors, we had his dinner of request; crispy tacos.  

His "cake" was a zucchini/chocolate chunk cupcake.  I found this cool sparkler #8 for his cupcake and the birthday closing ceremonies commenced.  

Happy Birthday, Big Man...

Hugs & Kisses: Mom.

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