Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wiped out....

It's Saturday night and I am in my jammies at 7:30 pm....  

Yeah, no clubbin' for this sister...

Just too wiped out to even fake energy for "Saturday Night Live"...  

I have had one of those weeks...  

You know, the kind where your kids 
have endless back to back activities after school,  
where your husband is out for meetings/entertaining clients/
getting smashed at Oktoberfest for several nights this week, 
and you, yourself have appointments, house projects 
 and kid diarrhea thrown in for good measure....  

The computer sits above the beverage fridge 
and I'm too tired to reach down for a beer...  

However, if wine would happen to be in the regular fridge to my right....
Sadly we are out of white...

Outside, 20 kids are running and screaming to 
"Ghosts in the Graveyard", way past dark... 

Jack pawed at the door like a dog in heat
until Tom agreed to go outside 
with him to supervise the chaos... 

All that energy is wasted on the young...  

So, it's been a week...  

It started off with HEAT Armor winning a much needed contract.... 

The lights will stay on a bit longer, thank goodness....  

And we celebrated.... 

A little too much....


The  next night, Tom took a client 
to the last Cubs night game...  

Can you say blithering idiot at 2am?  

Yesterday was a no school day (already)...
So we had a double playdate....

Each kid had a buddy over so they wouldn't kill each other...

It was good, but a little hectic...

Next night was our next door neighbor's progressive party....  

It was to benefit their grammar school....

Her house was the second stop 
in the "Tour of Europe"...


She went all out with flowers, 

Name tags in Spanish, 

Spanish music, 

even Flamenco dancers on the mantle...  

The food was deelish and the ambiance was festive....  

I'd say her house was the best of the three....  

Even if I am a little biased....  

While I was enjoying prosecco with blueberry infusion, 
good conversation and house envy, 
my darling husband was fulfulling 
his annual volunteer commitment 
at St. Alphonsus Church's Oktoberfest...  

Dubbed one of the ten best Oktoberfests 
in the US, it's a great party, no doubt....  

Tom definitely adds to and enjoys the festivities, 
to the point, that I can pinpoint his drunken arrival at home 
to the minute... 

This year, I bet it would be 3 am...  

I was off by six minutes...

Now, how does one recover
in the morning to tackle a project 
such as rebuilding our front entrance?  

To be continued....

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