Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tea & Slime Party

Spring in Chicago tests your patience. 

One day it can be 70 degrees and all of us hibernators flood the streets with joy.  The next day will be 40 degrees with sideways rain. 

Just when you think warm weather is here to stay, Mother Nature kicks you in the shins with a couple of inches of wet snow. 

Such was this past weekend.  The sun shone, but it was too cold to play outdoors.....

Torture for kids, but more like a stint in a Turkish prison for parents. 

Cabin fever is at an all time high.....what to do with this can of worms in my house? 

Why a tea party, of course! 

Kate got a new breakable tea party set for her recent 4th birthday and we road tested it (and broke a teapot lid) in the process. 

"Tea", sandwiches and cherry topped desserts were on the menu... 

Kate was more into the dainty ceremony of tea;

Jack was ready for more manly pursuits - slime!

This is so flippin' easy to do and the gratification is instant! 

A couple of bowls of water, glue and borax are about all it takes. 

Note Kate's enjoyment of all things slimy...
Here is the link with the instructions: 

The kids loved it and all was peaceful for at least a good 20  minutes. 

Thank goodness for little miracles...

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